GenTool Replay Information Windows (Compat): 6.2.9200 SP 0.0 System: LENOVO 9ACN25WW 9ACN25WW Lancer 5A2 31900059STD Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz DIMM0 16KTF1G64HZ-1G9P2 8192 DIMM1 Empty 0 DIMM2 RMT3170EF68F9W1600 4096 DIMM3 Empty 0 Intel(R) HD Graphics Family GenTool Version: 8.9 Player Name: Jono Player Id: 89F9A1F546AD Match Date (UTC): 2024 Dec 15, 19:39:56 Game Version: Zero Hour 1.04 The First Decade (Mod) Install Type: Modified Game Install: Not compatible with Regular Game RepInfo in use: no Map Name: maps/kandahar battle Start Cash: 50000 Match Type: 1v1 Match Length: 01:03:44 Match Mode: Hamachi Team 1 192A7000 Jono (USA) Team 2 190EE000 MarcoZenbook (USA Superweapon) Associated files: 19-39-56_1v1_Jono_MarcoZen.rep [285984 bytes] 19-39-56_shot1.jpg [81195 bytes] 19-40-23_shot2.jpg [69332 bytes] 19-44-21_shot3.jpg [71728 bytes] 19-47-41_shot4.jpg [77154 bytes] 19-51-33_shot5.jpg [84672 bytes] 19-52-44_shot6.jpg [74554 bytes] 19-54-16_shot7.jpg [87065 bytes] 19-58-13_shot8.jpg [83219 bytes] 20-02-09_shot9.jpg [82626 bytes] 20-05-38_shot10.jpg [87111 bytes] 20-07-55_shot11.jpg [92041 bytes] 20-11-37_shot12.jpg [75653 bytes] 20-13-52_shot13.jpg [92384 bytes] 20-15-48_shot14.jpg [84959 bytes] 20-19-01_shot15.jpg [85399 bytes] 20-22-39_shot16.jpg [82268 bytes] 20-26-18_shot17.jpg [91349 bytes] 20-28-12_shot18.jpg [79493 bytes] 20-29-42_shot19.jpg [78512 bytes] 20-30-23_shot20.jpg [94440 bytes] 20-31-05_shot21.jpg [88627 bytes] 20-31-49_shot22.jpg [88008 bytes] 20-32-14_shot23.jpg [92321 bytes] 20-34-21_shot24.jpg [84609 bytes] 20-36-15_shot25.jpg [99797 bytes] 20-36-52_shot26.jpg [92131 bytes] 20-38-51_shot27.jpg [93344 bytes] 20-40-50_shot28.jpg [99453 bytes] 20-41-01_shot29.jpg [80409 bytes]