GenTool Replay Information

Windows (Compat): 5.1.2600 SP 3.0
System:           American Megatrends Inc. 1005 1005
                  PRIME H310M-K R2.0 Rev X.0x
                  ChannelA-DIMM1 CT8G4DFS8266.C8FJ    8192
                  ChannelB-DIMM1 0
                  Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-9100F CPU @ 3.60GHz
                  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

GenTool Version:  8.9
Player Name:      THE ZODIAK
Player Id:        C2FFAAE2BCB6
Match Date (UTC): 2024 Dec 28, 18:31:40
Game Version:     Zero Hour 1.04 The Ultimate Collection (x87, Steam)
Install Type:     Modified Game Install
RepInfo in use:   no

Map Name:         maps/[rank] proxy war zh v1
Start Cash:       50000
Match Type:       1v1
Match Length:     00:31:18
Match Mode:       Hamachi

Team 1
   C0A80000 soma (USA Airforce)
Team 2
   C0A80000 THE ZODIAK (GLA Demolition)

Associated files: 18-31-40_1v1_soma_THEZODIA.rep [81181 bytes]
                  18-31-40_shot1.jpg [70238 bytes]
                  18-32-02_shot2.jpg [54308 bytes]
                  18-33-08_shot3.jpg [65920 bytes]
                  18-35-36_shot4.jpg [90254 bytes]
                  18-39-17_shot5.jpg [76085 bytes]
                  18-42-31_shot6.jpg [85145 bytes]
                  18-43-38_shot7.jpg [89960 bytes]
                  18-43-48_shot8.jpg [74737 bytes]
                  18-47-03_shot9.jpg [79197 bytes]
                  18-47-55_shot10.jpg [80823 bytes]
                  18-50-34_shot11.jpg [86000 bytes]
                  18-54-18_shot12.jpg [89980 bytes]
                  18-56-30_shot13.jpg [88010 bytes]
                  18-58-05_shot14.jpg [91188 bytes]
                  18-59-57_shot15.jpg [96692 bytes]
                  19-01-16_shot16.jpg [77258 bytes]