GenTool Replay Information Windows (Compat): 6.0.6002 SP 2.0 System: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz HP N02 Ver. 02.20 N02 Ver. 02.20 805D KBC Version 05.36 DIMM1 M378A5244CB0-CRC 4096 DIMM2 M378A5143EB1-CPB 4096 DIMM3 CMK32GX4M2E3200C16 16384 DIMM4 CMK32GX4M2E3200C16 16384 AMD Radeon(TM) RX 6400 GenTool Version: 8.9 Player Name: graw420 Player Id: B857FC960A8E Match Date (UTC): 2025 Jan 07, 17:21:11 Game Version: Zero Hour 1.04 (x87, CD) Install Type: Modified Game Install: Not compatible with Regular Game RepInfo in use: no Map Name: maps/aod 2 player we against the world [pashacnc com] Start Cash: 1215752191 Match Type: 1v2 Match Length: 00:38:29 Match Mode: GameRanger No Team Hard AI (GLA) Team 1 56596000 graw420 (GLA Demolition) 2923C000 dark (China Infantry) Associated files: 17-21-11_1v2_HardAI_graw420_dark.rep [187969 bytes] 17-21-11_shot1.jpg [76150 bytes] 17-21-35_shot2.jpg [66552 bytes] 17-23-57_shot3.jpg [82831 bytes] 17-24-55_shot4.jpg [75889 bytes] 17-26-25_shot5.jpg [69404 bytes] 17-28-07_shot6.jpg [69918 bytes] 17-29-01_shot7.jpg [67455 bytes] 17-30-13_shot8.jpg [68811 bytes] 17-33-58_shot9.jpg [92243 bytes] 17-37-00_shot10.jpg [68772 bytes] 17-40-18_shot11.jpg [80043 bytes] 17-43-09_shot12.jpg [87135 bytes] 17-44-01_shot13.jpg [79759 bytes] 17-47-15_shot14.jpg [89907 bytes] 17-48-56_shot15.jpg [84649 bytes] 17-51-16_shot16.jpg [70635 bytes] 17-51-54_shot17.jpg [69118 bytes] 17-52-13_shot18.jpg [75291 bytes] 17-55-57_shot19.jpg [66301 bytes] 17-59-33_shot20.jpg [49493 bytes]