GenTool Replay Information

Windows (Compat): 5.1.2600 SP 3.0
System:           American Megatrends Inc. FA506II.316 FA506II.316
                  FA506II 1.0
                  AMD Ryzen 7 4800H with Radeon Graphics         
                  DIMM 0 4ATF1G64HZ-3G2E1     8192
                  DIMM 0 4ATF1G64HZ-3G2E1     8192
                  AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics

GenTool Version:  8.9
Player Name:      Ma7MOD
Player Id:        CD40E5A09803
Match Date (UTC): 2025 Jan 11, 18:44:12
Game Version:     Zero Hour 1.04 The Ultimate Collection (x87, Steam)
Install Type:     Invalid Game Install: No Online Access
RepInfo in use:   no

Map Name:         maps/city under fire v2
Start Cash:       10000
Match Type:       1v1v1
Match Length:     00:47:55
Match Mode:       Hamachi

No Team
   1A54E000 0xQ (Random)
   1A8D5000 Ma7MOD (Random)
   1A012000 dell (Random)

Associated files: 18-44-12_1v1v1_0xQ_Ma7MOD_dell.rep [203117 bytes]
                  18-44-12_shot1.jpg [72378 bytes]
                  18-44-34_shot2.jpg [56947 bytes]
                  18-45-40_shot3.jpg [66298 bytes]
                  18-48-08_shot4.jpg [79706 bytes]
                  18-51-49_shot5.jpg [75993 bytes]
                  18-55-03_shot6.jpg [71890 bytes]
                  18-56-10_shot7.jpg [83559 bytes]
                  18-56-20_shot8.jpg [81531 bytes]
                  18-59-35_shot9.jpg [77550 bytes]
                  19-00-27_shot10.jpg [77058 bytes]
                  19-03-06_shot11.jpg [72366 bytes]
                  19-06-50_shot12.jpg [72812 bytes]
                  19-09-02_shot13.jpg [73398 bytes]
                  19-10-37_shot14.jpg [77086 bytes]
                  19-12-29_shot15.jpg [72378 bytes]
                  19-13-48_shot16.jpg [70929 bytes]
                  19-16-10_shot17.jpg [73235 bytes]
                  19-17-08_shot18.jpg [78220 bytes]
                  19-18-38_shot19.jpg [85254 bytes]
                  19-20-20_shot20.jpg [82719 bytes]
                  19-21-14_shot21.jpg [77798 bytes]
                  19-22-26_shot22.jpg [84304 bytes]
                  19-26-12_shot23.jpg [79403 bytes]
                  19-29-13_shot24.jpg [75253 bytes]