GenTool Replay Information

Windows (Compat): 6.2.9200 SP 0.0
System:           American Megatrends International, LLC. M3500QC.304 M3500QC.304
                  M3500QC 1.0       
                  AMD Ryzen 5 5600H with Radeon Graphics         
                  DIMM 0 HMA851S6CJR6N-XN     4096
                  DIMM 0 HMA851S6CJR6N-XN     4096
                  AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics

GenTool Version:  8.9
Player Name:      Sir
Player Id:        319DAEF0443E
Match Date (UTC): 2025 Jan 17, 18:23:45
Game Version:     Zero Hour 1.04 The First Decade (Mod)
Install Type:     Modified Game Install: Not compatible with Regular Game
RepInfo in use:   no

Map Name:         maps/mahran map
Start Cash:       6000000
Match Type:       1v2
Match Length:     00:53:27
Match Mode:       Hamachi

No Team
   1AFFB000 M14 (GLA Demolition)
Team 1
   1A3A7000 ASB (Unknown)
   1AAEE000 Sir (China Nuke)

Associated files: 18-23-45_1v2_M14_ASB_Sir.rep [576583 bytes]
                  18-23-45_shot1.jpg [55297 bytes]
                  18-24-07_shot2.jpg [54797 bytes]
                  18-25-13_shot3.jpg [36341 bytes]
                  18-27-41_shot4.jpg [65866 bytes]
                  18-31-22_shot5.jpg [66455 bytes]
                  18-34-36_shot6.jpg [62184 bytes]
                  18-35-43_shot7.jpg [58441 bytes]
                  18-35-53_shot8.jpg [61607 bytes]
                  18-39-09_shot9.jpg [83045 bytes]
                  18-40-00_shot10.jpg [63636 bytes]
                  18-42-39_shot11.jpg [66705 bytes]
                  18-46-23_shot12.jpg [73871 bytes]
                  18-48-35_shot13.jpg [61688 bytes]
                  18-50-10_shot14.jpg [48326 bytes]
                  18-52-02_shot15.jpg [62270 bytes]
                  18-53-22_shot16.jpg [69125 bytes]
                  18-55-43_shot17.jpg [68557 bytes]
                  18-56-41_shot18.jpg [62547 bytes]
                  18-58-12_shot19.jpg [54581 bytes]
                  18-59-53_shot20.jpg [61645 bytes]
                  19-00-48_shot21.jpg [45968 bytes]
                  19-02-00_shot22.jpg [68964 bytes]
                  19-05-45_shot23.jpg [65203 bytes]
                  19-08-47_shot24.jpg [71213 bytes]
                  19-12-04_shot25.jpg [63121 bytes]
                  19-14-56_shot26.jpg [63785 bytes]
                  19-15-47_shot27.jpg [66115 bytes]