GenTool Replay Information

Windows (Compat): 6.2.9200 SP 0.0
System:           American Megatrends International, LLC. F63 F63
                  B450M DS3H V2 x.x
                  AMD Ryzen 5 5500                               
                  DIMM 0 Unknown 0
                  DIMM 1 TEAMGROUP-UD4-3200   8192
                  DIMM 0 Unknown 0
                  DIMM 1 TEAMGROUP-UD4-3200   8192
                  AMD Radeon RX 6600

GenTool Version:  8.9
Player Name:      badrani
Player Id:        9437D33A95B3
Match Date (UTC): 2025 Jan 17, 22:14:16
Game Version:     Zero Hour 1.04 The First Decade
Install Type:     Modified Game Install: Not compatible with Regular Game
RepInfo in use:   no

Map Name:         maps/[rank] archaic meltdown zh v1
Start Cash:       20000
Match Type:       1v1v1
Match Length:     01:05:02
Match Mode:       LAN

No Team
   C0A80000 haydar (China Nuke)
   C0A80000 cpt3li (USA Superweapon)
   C0A80000 badrani (China Nuke)

Associated files: 22-14-16_1v1v1_haydar_cpt3li_badrani.rep [310788 bytes]
                  22-14-16_shot1.jpg [75630 bytes]
                  22-14-37_shot2.jpg [76884 bytes]
                  22-17-51_shot3.jpg [78862 bytes]
                  22-19-32_shot4.jpg [66918 bytes]
                  22-21-53_shot5.jpg [94873 bytes]
                  22-22-30_shot6.jpg [78460 bytes]
                  22-22-49_shot7.jpg [68820 bytes]
                  22-26-33_shot8.jpg [90026 bytes]
                  22-30-09_shot9.jpg [85813 bytes]
                  22-34-05_shot10.jpg [94049 bytes]
                  22-36-21_shot11.jpg [90091 bytes]
                  22-37-18_shot12.jpg [102327 bytes]
                  22-41-17_shot13.jpg [93602 bytes]
                  22-44-36_shot14.jpg [106574 bytes]
                  22-48-28_shot15.jpg [104205 bytes]
                  22-49-39_shot16.jpg [92784 bytes]
                  22-51-11_shot17.jpg [72637 bytes]
                  22-55-08_shot18.jpg [89741 bytes]
                  22-59-04_shot19.jpg [105441 bytes]
                  23-02-34_shot20.jpg [79975 bytes]
                  23-04-50_shot21.jpg [68796 bytes]
                  23-08-32_shot22.jpg [99003 bytes]
                  23-10-47_shot23.jpg [76349 bytes]
                  23-12-43_shot24.jpg [90314 bytes]
                  23-15-56_shot25.jpg [92384 bytes]